September 3, 2024 – At Sucafina, we are always looking for opportunities to promote innovation and digital transformation. That’s why we are delighted to be featured in a new report published by the International Chamber of Commerce Digital Standards Initiative (DSI), which showcases digitalization in action along the supply chain.

Raphaelle Hemmerlin, our Chief Transformation Officer, has represented Sucafina on the DSI’s Industry Advisory Board since 2023, working with other members to support the DSI’s efforts to foster a globally harmonized, digitalized trade environment.

The DSI’s latest publication, the “Key Trade Documents and Data Elements on the Frontlines” report, builds on their framework for digitalizing the international supply chain. We are proud to be included in the report as one of 22 case studies that showcase real-world examples of digitalization in action.

In our case study, we share insights from our journey, in partnership with Cargoo*, to automate 70% of our shipping volume by centralizing and automating key tasks, significantly improving operational efficiency and productivity, benefiting our shippers, clients, and forwarders.

“The use of standardized data elements across the board has led to a leaner approach to shipping by reducing email exchange, cutting down processing time for shipments, and allowing employees to focus on continuous improvement rather than administrative tasks. This has enabled us to create a more efficient and trustworthy shipping process, benefiting all stakeholders involved,” said Raphaelle Hemmerlin.

Read the full case study to learn more about Sucafina’s digital transformation journey and download the full report to explore other insightful digitalization case studies.

* Cargoo is an end-to-end SaaS solution for digitizing ocean freight transportation.