Sowing Seeds for Food Security in PNG

This holiday season, we are contributing essential food crop seedlings to the farmers who are part of the Lamari Coffee supply chain in Papua New Guinea (PNG) in honor of our valued partners.


The challenge

Many coffee-farming households in PNG are food insecure. They lack stable access to sufficient safe and nutritious food to meet their dietary needs. Addressing this food insecurity remains a major priority in areas like the Lamari River Valley in PNG’s eastern highlands.

The impact

Food crop seedlings provide another household food source and help support these remote communities. Since the women of the household tend to manage food crops and food sales at local markets in PNG, contributing food crops also promotes gender equity.

Sucafina will distribute food crop seedlings to our 698 registered farmers in 6 villages: To-Okena, Anima, Ahea, Habina, Oraurau, and Himarata. Our sustainability team members who live in these villages have identified the most requested and needed crop for each village.

On the menu? Potatoes, bulb onions, carrots, rice, and cabbage – which will also contribute to crop diversity in the region. Supporting the coffee communities surrounding our operations in this way is one of the main goals of our Caring for People sustainability pillar. This project also supports a key goal of Sucafina’s responsible sourcing program, IMPACT, by helping to improve living income of coffee farming households.

How you can help

Interested in contributing more? Get in touch with your usual contact to find out how you can support coffee-farming families in PNG with even more crop seedlings.

Want to support PNG farming families and love art? We have good news! You can receive a digital print of the art featured in our holiday card signed by the artist, Daniela Torres, with any contribution of 15CHF or more. Inspired by PNG’s beautiful flora and fauna, from coffee and cocoa to the iconic bird of paradise, this design will instantly brighten any wall! All contributions will go directly to support food security in PNG.

Contribute here

Thank you for your valued support of our supply chains throughout 2023.

Happy holidays and best wishes for 2024 from all of us at Sucafina!